NaturalDocs:: SymbolTable:: ReferenceTarget

A class for storing information about a reference target. 

A class for storing information about a reference target.
The class is implemented as a blessed arrayref.
Creates and returns a new object.
Returns the target’s class, or undef if it’s global.
Returns the target’s symbol.
Returns the file the target is defined in.
Returns the target’s type.
Returns the target’s prototype, or undef if not defined or not applicable.



The class is implemented as a blessed arrayref.  The following constants are its members. 

CLASSThe target class, or undef if global. 
SYMBOLThe target symbol. 
FILEThe file the target is defined as. 
TYPEThe target type.  Will be one of the Topic Types
PROTOTYPEThe target’s prototype, or undef if note. 



sub New #(class, symbol, file, type, prototype)

Creates and returns a new object. 


classThe target class, or undef if global. 
symbolThe target symbol. 
fileThe file the target is defined in. 
typeThe type of the target symbol.  Will be one of the Topic Types
prototypeThe target’s prototype.  Set to undef if not defined or not applicable. 


sub Class

Returns the target’s class, or undef if it’s global. 


sub Symbol

Returns the target’s symbol. 


sub File

Returns the file the target is defined in. 


sub Type

Returns the target’s type.  Will be one of the Topic Types


sub Prototype

Returns the target’s prototype, or undef if not defined or not applicable.