NaturalDocs:: Languages:: Language

A class containing the characteristics of a particular programming language. 

A class containing the characteristics of a particular programming language.
The class is implemented as a blessed arrayref.
Returns a new language object.
Returns the symbol used to start a single line comment, or undef if none.
Returns the symbol used to start a multi-line comment, or undef if none.
Returns the symbol used to end a multi-line comment, or undef if none.
Returns whether the entire file should be treated as one big comment.
Returns an arrayref of the symbols that end a function prototype, or undef if not applicable.
Returns an arrayref of the symbols that end a variable declaration, or undef if not applicable.
Returns the index of the end of the function prototype in a string.
Returns the index of the end of the variable declaration in a string.
Returns the index of the end of an arbitrary prototype in a string.



The class is implemented as a blessed arrayref.  The following constants are used as indexes. 

LINE_COMMENTThe symbol that starts a single line comment.  Undef if none. 
START_COMMENTThe symbol that starts a multi-line comment.  Undef if none. 
END_COMMENTThe symbol that ends a multi-line comment.  Undef if none. 
FUNCTION_ENDERSAn arrayref of symbols that can end a function prototype.  Undef if not applicable. 
VARIABLE_ENDERSAn arrayref of symbols that can end a variable declaration.  Undef if not applicable. 



sub New #(lineComment, startComment, endComment, functionEnders, variableEnders)

Returns a new language object. 


lineCommentThe symbol that starts a single-line comment.  Undef if none. 
startCommentThe symbol that starts a multi-line comment.  Undef if none. 
endCommentThe symbol that starts a multi-line comment.  Undef if none. 
functionEndersAn arrayref of symbols that can end a function prototype.  Undef if not applicable. 
variableEndersAn arrayref of symbols that can end a variable declaration.  Undef if not applicable. 


sub LineComment

Returns the symbol used to start a single line comment, or undef if none. 


sub StartComment

Returns the symbol used to start a multi-line comment, or undef if none. 


sub EndComment

Returns the symbol used to end a multi-line comment, or undef if none. 


sub FileIsComment

Returns whether the entire file should be treated as one big comment. 


sub FunctionEnders

Returns an arrayref of the symbols that end a function prototype, or undef if not applicable. 


sub VariableEnders

Returns an arrayref of the symbols that end a variable declaration, or undef if not applicable. 


sub EndOfFunction #(stringRef, startingIndex optional)

Returns the index of the end of the function prototype in a string. 


stringRefA reference to the string. 
startingIndexOptional.  The starting index.  If not specified, starts at the beginning of the string. 


The zero-based offset into the string of the end of the prototype, or -1 if the string doesn’t contain a symbol from FunctionEnders()


sub EndOfVariable #(stringRef, startingIndex optional)

Returns the index of the end of the variable declaration in a string. 


stringRefA reference to the string. 
startingIndexOptional.  The starting index.  If not specified, starts at the beginning of the string. 


The zero-based offset into the string of the end of the declaration, or -1 if the string doesn’t contain a symbol from VariableEnders()

Support Functions


sub EndOfPrototype #(stringRef, startingIndex, symbols)

Returns the index of the end of an arbitrary prototype in a string. 


stringRefA reference to the string. 
startingIndexThe starting index.  If undef, starts at the beginning of the string. 
symbolsAn arrayref of the symbols that can end the prototype. 


The zero-based offset into the string of the end of the prototype, or -1 if the string doesn’t contain a symbol from the arrayref.