Natural Docs 1.16 released
January 22nd, 2004

A new release for the new year.

First, Ruby support has been added, bringing our supported language tally to fourteen.

Second, you can now specify multiple input directories on the command line.  People were asking for this, but it was a lot harder than you'd think it would be, so you'd better appreciate it! :)

Third, another requested feature, you can now designate example code and text diagrams via start and end tags, rather than prefixing every single line with a symbol.

Fourth, topic names can now have parenthesis and still have their prototypes appear in the documentation.  So if you have two overloaded functions, you can make the topic title of one "Function(2)" or "Function(int, int)" and it will still match the prototype, even though the parameters don't match exactly.  You can then use the altered title to distinguish between them when linking.

Finally, Windows-formatted source files will now parse correctly under Linux, Unix, and CygWin.  Some distributions were having trouble with this.

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Natural Docs 1.15 releasedNatural Docs 1.2 released